jueves, 16 de abril de 2020


1. Sentence starters

  • I prefer…
  • I think…
  • I feel…
  • I know…
  • I believe…
  • In my opinion…
  • The best thing about…
  • The greatest part about…
  • The worst part about…
  • Everyone should…
  • …is better than … because…
  • If you liked… than you will love….

2. General Point of View

  • It is thought that…
  • Some people say that…
  • It is considered…
  • It is generally accepted that…
  • Disagreeing with an opinion
  • Yes, but…
  • I’m afraid I have to disagree.
  • I’m sorry to disagree with you, but…
  • That’s not entirely true.
  • On the contrary…
  • I’m not so sure about that.

3. Personal Point of View

  • I have seen/noticed/observed that…
  • I just don’t think it’s right that…
  • One argument in favour of … is that…
  • I think people should (have the right to) …
  • In my experience…
  • As far as I’m concerned…
  • In my opinion…
  • Personally, I think…
  • I’d say that…
  • I’d like to point out that..
  • I believe that…
  • Speaking for myself…
  • Personally, I believe (feel)…
  • I tend to think that…
  • I am sure/certain/convinced that…
  • As far as I understand/ can see, …

4. Giving the opposite opinion

  • Maybe, but it seems to me that…
  • I partly agree, but I still believe that…
  • I don’t agree. In my opinion,…
  • I completely disagree. To me,…

5. Clarifying your opinion

  • No, that’s not what I’m trying to say.
  • What I mean is …
  • No, that’s not what I mean.
  • All I’m saying is that …

6. Giving yourself time to think

  • That’s an interesting point.
  • I’ve never really thought about that.
  • Um, let me think.
  • It’s hard to say.

7. Agreeing with an opinion

  • Of course
  • You’re absolutely right.
  • Yes, I agree.
  • I think so too.
  • That’s a good point.
  • Exactly.
  • That’s true.
  • Neither do I.
  • I couldn’t agree more.

8. Making Suggestions

  • I suggest/ think you should …
  • It might be better to …
  • We/ you ought to …
  • If I were you …, I would …
  • I (don’t) think we/ you should…
  • You/ we could …
  • Couldn’t you/we…?
  • Shall we …?
  • How/What about…?
  • Why don’t you/we …?
  • Why not …?
  • Let’s …

9. Responding to suggestions

  • I was thinking exactly that myself.
  • Sounds good (to me).
  • OK, let’s do/try that.
  • Yes, let’s do that.
  • You’re right.
  • That’s a good idea.
  • It’s a good idea, but…
  • But what if…?
  • The only thing/ problem is…


En las clases de Informática y uso básico de móviles del aula de Sarrión hemos aprendido a crear códigos QR con una frase inspiradora. Aquí ...