viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


I. READING COMPREHENSION - Read the text below and do the tasks that follow it.

Experts say that millions of people around the world are one click away from ‘online’ addiction.
The Internet is where we spend more and more of our time. But for a growing number of people, it’s an out-of-control habit that interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones and work.
Kimberly Young, clinical director of the Centre for Internet Addiction Recovery and author of the book Caught in the Net, says that about 5% to 10% of Americans – 15 to 30 million people – may suffer from Internet addiction and the problem may be even greater in countries like China, Korea and Taiwan. It’s a global problem.
Coleen Moore, coordinator of resource development at the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, says she has clients from college age to early adulthood who spend 14 to 18 hours a day online. But Young notes that it’s not just how long people spend using a computer; it’s what they’re doing online.
To help people with their diagnosis, Young developed a test that uses a 20-question survey to measure levels of Internet addiction. “There are no real drugs for this yet,” she says. “It’s not about medication, it’s more about therapy.” The estimated recovery time varies. At the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, some patients need 30 to 90 days of in-patient treatment, followed by a continuing care program. But Internet addiction recovery, like any other addiction, requires lifelong treatment, experts say.
Online gaming is the form of Internet addiction most rapidly growing among young people. “Initially we primarily had people addicted to surfing the Web, chat rooms, virtual communities and things like that. Now we are looking more to gaming,” Moore says. “Gaming is certainly one of the things that could get people addicted to the Internet, because it has such compelling content. But I don’t think games are any more likely to cause Internet addiction than any of the other forms of entertainment”.

A. Decide if each sentence is TRUE (T), FALSE (F), or NOT MENTIONED (NM).

1. The number of Internet users has increased by 1000%.                                                  T m       F m        NM m

2. Internet addiction affects people’s life in many different ways.                                  T m       F m        NM m

3. Almost half of Americans spend too much time online.                                                   T m       F m        NM m   

4. The USA is the country with the highest number of addicts.                                              T m       F m  NM m     

5. There are centres to recover from Internet addiction.                                                     T m       F m        NM m   

6. Their clients are between 14 and 18 years old.                                                                     T m       F m        NM m                           
7. Internet addiction hasn’t been understood very well yet.                                               T m       F m        NM m                           
8. It’s difficult to recover from this addiction.                                                                           T m       F m        NM m 

9. People are mostly addicted to surfing the web, chat rooms and social networks.   T m       F m        NM m

10. Games are just as addictive as other forms of entertainment.                                     T m       F m        NM m   

B. Complete the sentences according to the information given in the text.

1. Experts say that millions of people are getting _____________________________________________________.
2. Internet addiction causes a lot of problems, but many people can’t ____________________________________.
3. Internet addiction is a bigger problem in ______________________________________________________.
4. Recovery centres base their treatment on ________________________and not on _______________________.


A. Complete the text below with the words from the box. There are two extra words.   


Some psychologists say _______________________ (1) use of computers to surf the web, join social sites and chat room discussions, and play video games is a real _______________________ (2).
In recent years, people have started to use the computer and the Internet like they used to watch TV. It is, in fact, very comfortable and relaxing just to sit down and have a _______________________ (3) with somebody from Canada about ice hockey and lacrosse.
If we are hungry, we simply order a pizza through the Internet. While we are waiting for the food, we _______________________ (4) our Facebook messages, _______________________ (5) photos and change our profile pictures and even _______________________ (6) a message on our friends’ Facebook walls.
So, we just don’t have much time for communication with people anymore. Besides, there is so much information _______________________ (7) that when we start surfing the Internet, we spend a long time in front of the screen. There are a lot of people who are_______________________ (8) on TV and watch it 5 to 7 hours a day, and I believe using the computer is becoming an addiction, too.  


B. Why has Julie sent this text message? Circle the correct answer.  

Hi George!
I’m going to be late. 
Please ring me when you get in. 
You can reach me at 919548226.


1. To tell George she’ll phone him later.

2. To check if he’s going to get back home late.

3. To ask George to call her when he arrives.


C. Complete this phone call (1 – 8) with the questions/expressions in the box (A – J). Write only the letters. Two letters are not needed.

Luca: You sound a bit down. (1) __(___)__
Eva: Nothing. I’m just a bit tired.
Luca: (2) __(___)__
Eva: No, not really. (3) __(___)__
Luca: Well, I have an idea. (4) __(___)__
Eva: Yeah, that sounds good. (5) __(___)__
Luca: How about Saturday afternoon?
Eva: Good idea. (6) __(___)__
Luca: That works for me. 

Eva: (7) __(_____)__ at Leicester Square outside the tube station then. 

Luca: Great. (8) __(___)__

(A) When?
(B) See you there!
(C) Shall we meet at 3 p.m.?
(D) What about you?
(E) What’s up?
(F) Let’s meet
(G) Can I call you later?
(H) Do you fancy going for an ice cream?
(I) Do you have any plans for this weekend?
 (J) I’m afraid I can’t.                                                                                                                                 


A. GERUND or INFINITIVE ? Complete the sentences accordingly.
1. Are you interested in ____________________  (join) a social networking site?
2. You’d better____________________  (save) your pocket money to buy a new Smartphone.
3. Let me ____________________ (take) a photo of you.
4. It’s so easy  ____________________  (post) selfies online.
5. ____________________  (chat) online is a lot of fun.
6. He promised ____________________  (play) online games less.

B. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets.
1. I  ____________________   (tell) your parents if you don’t stop with those offensive remarks.
2. If I ____________________  (be) you, I wouldn’t post those pictures.
3. If you need any help, just ____________________ (ask) me.
4. I ____________________  (feel) very upset if he posted that photo of me without my permission.
5. If she ____________________ (not be) here in time, I’ll go without her.
6. He’d have more time if he ____________________  (not play) so many online games.



A. You want a friend to go to the cinema with you.
Phone up and leave a message. You should:
• invite him/her to go with you
• tell him/her the day and time
• suggest a place to meet
Write 35-45 words.

B. In about 120 words, do either 1 or 2.         
1. What are the pros and cons of the Internet ?
2. How important is your smartphone to you ?

1.NM   2.T   3.F   4.F   5.T   6.F   7.NM   8.T   9.F   10.T
1. Experts say that millions of people are getting addicted to the Internet.
2. Internet addiction causes a lot of problems, but many people can’t control their/this habit/addiction.
3. Internet addiction is a bigger problem in (countries like) China, Korea and Taiwan.
4. Recovery centres base their treatment on therapy and not on medication.
Some psychologists say (1) obsessive use of computers to surf the web, join social sites and chat room discussions, and play video games is a real (2) addiction.
In recent years, people have started to use the computer and the Internet like they used to watch TV. It is, in fact, very comfortable and relaxing just to sit down and have a (3) chat with somebody from Canada about ice hockey and lacrosse.
If we are hungry, we simply order a pizza through the Internet. While we are waiting for the food, we (4) check our Facebook messages, (5) upload photos and change our profile pictures and even (6) leave a message on our friends’ Facebook walls.
So, we just don’t have much time for communication with people anymore. Besides, there is so much information (7) available that when we start surfing the Internet, we spend a long time in front of the screen. There are a lot of people who are (8) hooked on TV and watch it 5 to 7 hours a day, and I believe using the computer is becoming an addiction, too.  
B. 3)
C. 1.E   2.I   3.D   4.H   5.A   6.C   7.F   8.B
1) Are you interested in joining  (join) a social networking site?
2) You’d better save  (save) your pocket money to buy a new Smartphone.
3) Let me take (take) a photo of you.
4) It’s so easy  to post  (post) selfies online.
5) Chatting  (chat) online is a lot of fun.
6) He promised to play  (play) online games less.
1) I  will tell (tell) your parents if you don’t stop with those offensive remarks.
2) If I were (be) you, I wouldn’t post those pictures.
3) If you need any help, just ask (ask) me.
4) I would feel (feel) very upset if he posted that photo of me without my permission.
5) If she isn’t (not be) here in time, I’ll go without her.
6) He’d have more time if he didn’t play (not play) so many online games.


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